Two Simple Questions

The easiest success measurement tool is a simple question. What did you do today to move forward?

The easiest project plan on earth is also a simple question. What will you do tomorrow to move forward?

At the end of each day, document your success and design your next move.

Rich DiGirolamo

Here are some possible answers to the two questions, with a focus on learning English:

  1. What did you do today to improve or progress?

“Today, I listened to a podcast in English and watched a short YouTube video—and wrote down new words and phrases that I discovered.”

  1. What will you do tomorrow to improve or progress?

“Tomorrow, I plan to spend some time reading a news article in English and practise vocabulary by reviewing my flashcards and doing some online exercises.” 

Doesn’t that sound good?

Of course, I have lots of other examples of activities that you might like do to boost your language skills.

You can:

Whatever you choose, the key is to find activities that are enjoyable and engaging.


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Foto Christine Sparks

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