Do Good

“Do your little bits of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good together that overwhelm the world.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu

We might not be able to change the world, but we can change the world for at least one person.

Perhaps we can even do that today!


  1. Hi Christine, thank you so much for your daily “Sparks” of English – Thank you as well for your messages on Instagram!
    One question: How do you create your “Sparks of English” – where do you get all these ideas, tips and hints from? Amazing …..every day of the week – do you blog daily or do you prepare your Sparks in advance?
    Have a lovely day and thanks for sharing with me – I’m trying to boost my business and of course also my English!😊 Love, Karin

    • Thank you so much for commenting here, dear Karin.
      I love reading up on all kinds of topics and collecting ideas for posts. I could probably find stuff for the next 10 years. I normally try and prepare my Sparks in advance. It works so much better. But every now and again I might find something that I just have to write about. I have two ideas sitting on my desk for tomorrow, for example.
      I wish you good luck with your business. And if I can help in any way, do let me know. Love, Christine


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Foto Christine Sparks

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