“Should: The Dirtiest Word in the English Language?

Should” often hovers around us like a pesky shadow.

We hear it from our parents, mentors and superiors—and sometimes we even impose it on ourselves.

But what if I said that “should” is a troublesome word?

Yes, indeed. “Shouldoften creates negative feelings and guilt. It puts pressure on us, making us believe we aren’t good enough.

Here’s the catch … There’s no universal formula for life. Each of us has unique goals, dreams and desires.

By saying “should,” we suggest that we’re on the wrong path and imply that we need to follow what someone else expects of us.

It doesn’t seem fair, does it?

So, let’s pledge to bid farewell to the word “should.”

Instead of saying, “I should go to the gym,” let’s opt for, “I want to go to the gym.

And rather than stating, “I should finish this project,” let’s declare, “I’m going to finish this project.

Switching our attention from what we think we “should” do to what we actually want to do gives us power. It lets us take charge of our lives and live the way we choose.

Now, go out there and embrace your best life! (But don’t feel as if you “should”!)


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Foto Christine Sparks

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