Tips and Tricks for Finding the Right Words on Bilingual Websites

It’s not unusual to come across words we can’t find in a dictionary.

But there’s an easy way you might not have thought of—use bilingual websites.

Neuland has a website in both German and English, for example.

Imagine you want to talk about Bewertungspunkte, Lochverstärker and Pastellkreiden.

Go over to Neuland’s English site and you’ll find marking dots, reinforcement stickers and chalk pastels.

There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel! wink




  1. I love hitting Wikipedia for that – because they often have pages in different languages for a term/word/concept.

    They don’t always get it right, but it’s often a great resource.

    • That’s an excellent recommendation, Hannah. Thank you. I totally forgot to mention Wikipedia. It is a great resource.


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