Trying To Avoid the Word “Should”

Words are powerful tools that we use every day to communicate with others. They can be used to inspire and motivate, or they can be used to hurt and harm. That’s why it’s important to choose words carefully and be aware of how they can affect others.

There’s one word in particular that I try to avoid using, and that word is “should.”

You might be wondering, “What’s wrong with the word ‘should’?”

Well, let me explain.

When we use the word “should,” we’re implying that there’s a right way and a wrong way to do things. We’re telling someone else what they ought to do, based on our own opinions and beliefs. But the truth is, everyone is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

An example

Let’s say a friend is thinking about taking on a new project at work, but isn’t sure if they have the skills or time to do it.

If you say, “You should definitely take on the project,” you may be putting too much pressure on them to take on something that could be overwhelming or detrimental to their performance.

Instead, you could say, “It could be a great chance to learn and grow, but ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if it’s a good fit for your skills and workload.” This way, you can acknowledge the possible benefits and still respect your friend’s right to make his or her own decisions.

Giving others the freedom to make their own choices

By not using the word “should,” we let other people choose their own paths and make their own decisions. We also show respect for their individuality and encourage them to think for themselves.

Words make worlds

The words we choose can make a big difference.

Let’s try to use words that empower and uplift others instead of words that put them down or judge them.

And let’s not use the word “should“!


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Foto Christine Sparks

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