Can You Decode These Idioms?

Here’s an example of a dialogue containing idiomatic expressions.

See if you can rewrite it using plain language.

Original Dialogue:

Tom: Hey Lisa, how’s it going? You look like you’re on cloud nine today!

Lisa: Hi Tom, I’m in seventh heaven. I nailed my presentation this morning.
Tom: That’s great! By the way, have you heard about the new project our boss is cooking up?
Lisa: Yes, I’m all ears. I heard it’s going to be a game-changer for the company.
Tom: Definitely. And it’s right up your alley, given your expertise.
Lisa: Thanks, Tom. I’m excited to dive in. I’ve been burning the midnight oil lately to stay ahead.
Tom: Well, your hard work is paying off. You’re a real go-getter.
Lisa: Thanks for the support, Tom. I just hope I can keep up the momentum.
Tom: No doubt you will. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Rewritten Dialogue:

Tom: Hi Lisa, how are you? You seem really happy today!
Lisa: Hi Tom, I’m feeling great. I did really well in my presentation this morning.
Tom: That’s great! By the way, have you heard about the new project our boss is working on?
Lisa: Yes, I’m ready and eager to hear what you have to say. I heard it’s going to make a big difference for the company.
Tom: Definitely. And it’s perfect for you, given what you know.
Lisa: Thanks, Tom. I’m excited to get started. I’ve been working late recently to stay ahead.
Tom: Well, your hard work is being rewarded. You’re a real achiever.
Lisa: Thanks for the support, Tom. I just hope I can maintain the pace, energy and enthusiasm.
Tom: I have no doubt you will. Just remember that taking your time and being consistent will lead to success.

Was the original dialogue easy for you to understand? Probably not.

Understanding idiomatic expressions can be tough for English learners.

To make matters worse, there are even differences in these expressions between American and British English.

These differences can cause confusion or misunderstandings, not just for non-native speakers.

I thought it important to tell you. 


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