Let’s Explore Some Christmas Words

Do you think you know all the Christmas words? Let’s see.

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way…

We all know this song is about Christmas Eve—that’s “Heiligabend” in German.

On Christmas Day (“der 1. Weihnachtstag”) in England, turkey with stuffing is traditionally served. With mashed and roast potatoes, gravy, Yorkshire pudding, cranberry sauce and vegetables. My favourites?  Brussels sprouts and red cabbage.

Boxing Day (“der 2. Weihnachtstag”) began as a tradition when employers gave their workers a day off after Christmas—and allowed them to take home food leftovers and presents. Since 1871, it has been an official public holiday and a day when major sporting events take place.
And now it’s time for something sweet!
Two must-haves:
  • Christmas pudding consisting of dried fruits, nuts and spices. And set alight with brandy. (Be careful not to burn your eyebrows!)
  • The Christmas cake, a rich fruit cake, usually made several weeks earlier. Moistened with brandy, covered with marzipan and icing, and kept for the big day.

And here are more words associated with Christmas

Baubles Christbaumkugeln
Carols Weihnachtslieder
Christmas crackers Knallbonbon
Eggnog Eierlikör
Holly Stechpalme
Mistletoe Mistelzweig
Nativity play Krippenspiel
Sleigh Schlitten
Stuffing Füllung
Turkey Truthahn, Pute
Wreath Adventskranz

Are there any other words you would add to my list?


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Foto Christine Sparks

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