Are You a “Typical” German?

Stereotypes everywhere!

Brotzeit, lederhosen, punctuality, efficiency … but is it really true?

What actually makes a “typical” German?

Let’s be honest: it’s not that simple! Germany is full of diversity, from north to south and east to west.

But hey, a little fun with stereotypes can’t hurt, can it?

So, are YOU a “typical” German if…

  • … your Saturday night starts with bratwurst or currywurst and beer?
  • … you’re as punctual as a Swiss watch (well, mostly!)
  • … you don’t just wear your lederhosen for carnival?
  • … you always follow traffic lights, even if there are no cars around.
  • … your English is not perfect, but “good enough”? 
  • … you meticulously sort your trash into different bins for recycling?
  • … you believe that there’s no such thing as “too much bread” in a meal?

But wait a minute! What about your humour? Can you laugh at yourself? Because laughter connects us all, no matter if German, English, French or whatever.

Let’s forget the stereotypes. Just be yourself! That’s exactly what makes you unique and interesting.

What do you think? Does any of this apply to you? Or do you have other “typically German” traits?

PS: And don’t forget to have fun and keep practising your English!


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Foto Christine Sparks

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