Did You Know Skat Is the King of German Card Games?

Strange, but I don’t know anyone who plays skat, although the Deutsche Welle says that more Germans play it than football.

My father used to play, although it wasn’t easy finding two other players in England! 

I really can’t remember if he played with those German-suited playing cards—with acorns, leaves, hearts and bells—or whether he used the French-suited ones we all know so well.

I have just read that to play skat, you need a good memory and to be able to calculate in your head, and that a good skat player counts the cards passing in every round.

Now I know why I was never interested in learning to play the game!

What about you? Do you play skat or do any of your family members play the game?


  1. Dear Christine,
    I used to play „Skat“ with my children, as well as „Doppelkopf“, and it was always great fun. Actually I learned to play Skat with my classmates when I was 12. Some time agoe I tried to get into the secrets of Bridge – but I didn‘t manage, although having an experienced teacher and playing in a Bridge-club.

    • Dear Ulli,
      I always thought of Skat as a men’s game, and am very much surprised to read that you learned to play when you were 12. Amazing!

      I ‘ve never tried Bridge myself, but I have friends in Berlin who play regularly.
      Good that you gave it a try!


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