Grammar No Problem: Your Grammar Best Friend?

Struggling with grammar?

And feel you need to brush up on your grammar alone?

Check out Cornelsen’s “Grammar No Problem.

Sure, it can’t compete with a Stephen King thriller or J.K. Rowling’s latest masterpiece. But it can help you understand some of those tricky tenses, pesky prepositions and puzzling participles that keep you up at night.

Why might you like this book?

For starters, all the explanations are in German! No complex English technical terms—everything’s easy to grasp.

Plus, it’s packed with exercises to put your new knowledge into action.

Theory’s great, but practice makes perfect, right?

If you ever get stuck, no worries! The answers are at the back of the book.

Learn from your mistakes and enjoy the journey of self-discovery.

So, do you fancy diving into a grammar book on your own?

Remember, you don’t have to be a grammar fanatic. The key is getting your message across.

Just keep practising, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll improve.

to brush up: auffrischen
easy to grasp:leicht zu verstehen
do you fancy: hast du Lust


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