Saying Sorry the Right Way

Apologising can be difficult, but it’s important to do it right.

In this short TED-Ed video, social psychologist Guy Winch gives us some great tips on how to apologise effectively.

Be sincere. This is the most important tip. If you’re not sincere, the other person will be able to tell—and your apology will be less effective.

Be specific. Don’t just say “I’m sorry.” Explain what you did wrong and how it affected the other person. This will help the other person understand why you’re apologizing and how your actions made them feel.

Focus on the other person’s feelings. Let the other person know how your actions made them feel. This shows that you’re taking their feelings into account and that you’re sorry for the pain you caused them.

Take responsibility. Don’t make excuses or blame others. Own up to your mistake and take responsibility for your actions. This shows that you’re mature and that you’re willing to learn from your mistakes.

Make amends. If possible, try to make things right. This could mean apologising in person, giving the other person a gift, or doing something else to show that you’re sorry.

Be patient. It may take time for the other person to forgive you. Be patient and understanding, and continue to show them that you’re sorry.

If you’ve ever found it difficult to apologise, I encourage you to watch the TED-Ed video and follow these tips.

Apologising effectively can help us repair our relationships and build trust.


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