Try Something New – Neues Wagen

We all know that trying something new can be scary.

It’s so easy to continue to do things we’re familiar with and have experienced, isn’t it?

But what a rewarding feeling we have when we manage to step out of our comfort zone and do things we’ve never done before!

As the proverb goes, ““Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Or, in German, “Wer nicht wagt, der nicht gewinnt”.

(Meaning: If we don’t engage in new experiences, we don’t gain new perspectives.)

Of course, we all know this.

But do you know that ‘Action for Happiness’* publishes a monthly calendarwith suggested actions that people can take each day to improve their happiness? And that this month we are encouraged to try out something new each day?

You might already been doing some of the things on the calendar. And, of course, you might not manage to follow all the ideas. But this calendar might well inspire you to try out something completely new.

I’m going to jump to day 22 and find a new way to tell someone I appreciate them.

And you? What are you going to do?

*’Action for Happiness’ is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society.


  1. What a wonderful calendar! Thanks for sharing, Christine!

  2. Pleased you like it, Lisa. If you register, you can get a calendar every month with a different theme. I love them!


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