Would You Like a Little Quiz?

How would you translate the words below in bold into English?

But watch out. We’re looking at false friends here.

False friends? Yes, words that look and sound similar to each other, but differ significantly in meaning.

You think you know the answers? If you’re reading this on my blog, post them in the comments below. And if you’re reading this in my newsletter, press reply and send them to me directly. I’ll check your answers and get back to you as soon as I can.

So let’s get started …

  1. Du sprichst mit seinem Chef heute?
  2. Die Speisekarte war sehr abwechslungsreich.
  3. Morgen haben wir einen Termin bei einer Kundin.
  4. Der Kollege wollte die aktuellen Zahlen.
  5. Alle arbeiten im Homeoffice.
  6. Die Antworten stehen auf der Rückseite des Blattes.
  7. Wir suchen ein schönes Lokal für die Feier.
  8. Der Starnberger See ist ein See in Bayern.
  9. Wir spendeten an den Kindergarten.
  10. Sie winkten zum Abschied.

Good luck—and good wishes from me!


  1. I don‘t thin I know all of them, but I‘d like to try:
    1: Boss
    2: Menu
    3: appointment, but I would probably say „meeting“
    4: latest or today‘s
    5: working from home (?)
    6: in need for a better word: second page
    7: restaurant
    8: lake? I‘ve got the feeling this is a trap??
    9: we donated
    10: they waved their goodbye
    Now I‘m tensioned 😀

    • Thank you so much for posting here, Barbara. That was very brave of you.

      1: Boss 😀
      2: Menu 😀
      3: appointment, but I would probably say „meeting“ 😀 (Exactly, both possible!)
      4: latest or today’s 😀
      5: working from home (?) 😀
      6: in need for a better word: second page (Second page would mean you have two sheets of paper in front of you. So it’s just the back or the reverse. Not ‘backside’. That means ‘Hintern’ or ‘Popo’!)
      7: restaurant 😀
      8: lake? I‘ve got the feeling this is a trap?? 😀 (Not at all. Some people might say ’sea’!)
      9: we donated 😀
      10: they waved their goodbye 😀 (You just need ’They waved goodbye’)

      Super duper!

  2. boss
    appointment/date (in case you know each other well)
    work from home
    back/back page
    waved (to wave)
    I definitly had to think about the “Homeoffice” ;-))

    • Great that you’ve given this a go, Lisa.

      boss 😀
      menu 😀
      appointment/date (in case you know each other well) (If you say you have a ‘date’ with a client, it does sound more like a romantic dinner to me!)
      work from home 😀
      back/back page 😀 (or the reverse)
      place 😀
      lake 😀
      waved (to wave) 😀

      ‘die aktuellen Zahlen’ = the latest figures
      ”spenden’ = ‘to donate’

      Well done!


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