Rainy-Day Reading

I love sharing information with others. 

Not only can it help others learn and grow. It can also be a good way to build connections and strengthen relationships.

Today, for example, I received a newsletter from Lean In Circles and thought it might interest my client Florian. (Okay, I know it’s for women in the workplace, but Florian is very open-minded and I thought it could be something for him.)

But, of course, I don’t know.

And as I don’t want to make Florian feel as if he has to read something just because I sent it to him, I always add the words „rainy-day reading“ to the subject line.

It’s my way of letting Florian know that my email is not urgent and can be read whenever he feels like reading it.

It’s reading material I think he might enjoy on a rainy or dreary day when he has some extra time on his hands. 

Perhaps this is a practice you might like to adopt?


dreary – trüb, trostlos
adopt – annehmen, übernehmen

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Foto Christine Sparks

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