Two Sons and Their Father

In a bustling city, two brothers lived vastly different lives. One brother thrived as a successful entrepreneur, leading a team of many employees, while the other struggled with homelessness.

Naturally, the townspeople were curious. How could two brothers, raised in the same household, end up in such contrasting circumstances?

My father was a drug addict and an alcoholic. He couldn’t even keep a houseplant alive, let alone take care of me,” the homeless brother lamented, his eyes filled with regret and weariness. “With a role model like that, how was I ever supposed to build a stable life?

The townspeople nodded sympathetically, but their curiosity led them to the successful businessman, eager to hear what he had to say.

My father was a drug addict and an alcoholic, and he never took care of me,” the businessman stated, his voice firm with determination. “Witnessing his life spiral out of control, I resolved never to follow the same path.”

The moral of this tale? We hold the power to shape our destiny. Our beginnings do not define us; it is our choices and actions that truly matter. We always have a choice.

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Foto Christine Sparks

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