„Doch“ in English? An Untranslatable German Word

Doch” doesn’t have a direct equivalent in English.

For years, this tiny word drove me crazy. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. But then, my daughter came to the rescue with a simple explanation that made everything click.

Here’s the secret: „doch“ is your go-to word when you want to say „Oh yes, I can!“ to someone who thinks you can’t.

Friend: „Du sprichst kein Deutsch.“ (You don’t speak German.)
You: „Doch!“ (Oh yes, I do!)

Boss: „Du gehst heute Abend nicht zum Firmen-Dinner?“ (You’re not going to the company dinner tonight, are you?)
You: „Doch!“ (Actually, I am!)

In English, we’d say something long like „Actually, I do“ or „On the contrary.“ But „doch“ does all that work in one snappy syllable. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of German words.

So next time someone doubts you, surprise them with a confident ‚Doch!‘ and prove them wrong—your new secret weapon in German conversations.

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